How Fairtrade India has made a difference

There have been instances of suicides by farmers due to poverty, stories have been published giving details of the lives of numerous farmers who had to leave their village, sell their lands and had to migrate to far flung areas due to problems in debt repayment, no support for family and extremely poor living conditions. All these have been read and ignored. Later on developed countries opted for Fairtrade practices and this approach to trade development came in, into developing nations as well. Fairtrade India has made a huge difference in the lives of farmers and artisans who struggled merely to cover their cost of production and for fair pricing of their products.

Fairtrade India is a responsible trading system, which gives certification to products and items under sale and in return provides fair pricing to farmers and artisans. Even premium pricing is guaranteed at times so that farmers and artisans support their families and live a better life. They do not need to sell their lands or migrate to stranger locations in order to earn livelihood, all they need to provide is a good quality product which gets a sustainable market locally and internationally. Producers get to spend on education of their children, get better working conditions, safe environment and infrastructure due to Fairtrade India. Price fluctuations are prevalent in markets and to hedge risks associated with the same, Fairtrade India stand up for producers of goods and promote stability in the trading system. No one ever takes child labour problems seriously and they do not consider miserable lifestyle in underdeveloped countries, but with Fairtrade India, protection of all fundamental rights and equality rights of farmers and artisans is safeguarded. Injustice done on producers through traditional business practices is abandoned and fair pricing model is adopted without any fake competition in the market.

To question on how the goods being bought are produced has changed lives of many. When you go and buy right, it affects you and many people around. Fairtrade India is a right choice to shop and it makes future and fortunes of various individuals.

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