It can’t get better!! Fairtrade and Organic Products

Fairtrade plus Organic products equals to a happy life Fairtrade is originally an idea that immerged from the developed nations. It was an initiative taken by Dutch pioneers and Mexican farmers who demanded a fair price for their yield. This movem ..Read More

How fair is Fairtrade?

While we get to read about Fairtrade practices in India, which is a hyped topic these days, it's for sure that you must also be thinking of genuineness and fairness of this practice. With this question in mind, it definitely needs some spotlight ..Read More

Fair Trade: Providing Better Future Opportunities to Small Farmers in India

If you have recently heard the word “Fair Trade” or purchased a product with the Fair Trade label in the supermarket, this post is for you! So, how much do you really know about Fair Trade Food products? Is it a brand such as Cadbury or M ..Read More

The entry of Fairtrade product in the Indian market

Every year brings a lot of turmoil, uncertainty and worry for the market. These changes impact the buying behaviour of the consumers. Their behaviour has become more sceptical and cynical than ever before. Some ..Read More

How Fairtrade India Helps Farmers Access International Markets

Fairtrade is a practice that makes sure that grower receive a premium for selling standard products in the market. The initiative that started 25 years ago has touched saved life of many farmers. The Fairtrade has removed the midd ..Read More

8 Reasons to Support Fairtrade

Fairtrade is a form of advanced economic model that not only supports producers, but also provides fairly priced goods to consumers. Regulatory authorities managing pricing part of fair-trade makes sure to benefit either party and provides its certif ..Read More

How Fairtrade India has made a difference

There have been instances of suicides by farmers due to poverty, stories have been published giving details of the lives of numerous farmers who had to leave their village, sell their lands and had to migrate to far flung areas due to problems in deb ..Read More

Issues and Challenges in Fairtrade

Since 2000, 77 lakh farmers have left farming, the suicide numbers amongst them are increasing and the debts levels mounting. This painful plight of the farmers requires a long-term commitment and involvement of every person in this country who has a ..Read More

Fairtrade India bringing Peace and Hitting Poverty

A type of trade that is not only based on earning adequate profits, but, it also takes care of people involved in business by keeping its orientation towards development of socio-economic conditions of farmers and artisans who are sellers in this tra ..Read More

Fairtrade in India: Revisiting the Culture & Heritage

While we have always seen Fair Trade as a means of uplifting the unprivileged farmers, artisans or workers, the purpose is a far beyond just the upliftment. Apart from inducing justice, equality & sustainability in the global marketplace, Fair Tr ..Read More

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